Ben Zuckerman In Action

My name is Benjamin Zuckerman. I have lived, since the age of 4, in the Vail Valley of Colorado, and have grown to love the outdoors, sports, and the natural beauty of nature.  I grew up skiing in the winter at Beaver Creek, Colorado, and camping throughout the Colorado wilderness during the summer. Living where I do, I have been inspired since a very young age, 6 to be exact, when I started taking pictures with my first camera, to capture my surroundings. I became interested in film in the 6th grade when I bought a video camera and started filming skiing. My journey is continuing at the University of Colorado in Boulder studying film production and perfecting my craft. My goals as a filmmaker include becoming a respected cinematographer, making films that not only I enjoy, but also films that anyone can watch with excitement.

I think I got my love for photography from my grandfather, David Zuckerman. He loved taking pictures and although he just did it for his own enjoyment, you could see the passion he had behind the lens in every photo he took. The trips he and my grandmother, Susan, took my family and I on growing up, really helped drive my passion to capture the moment, going to places like Africa, Aruba, and Hawaii. Every place we visited brought a new challenge, having to look at my surroundings and figure out a way to capture it beautifully.